Tuesday, October 7, 2008

JJD Electoral Map

As of October 7, 2008, this is where it seems to stand:

The polling is undeniable that Obama has surged in Minnesota and Pennsylvania. McCain's camp believes they have a shot in Pennsylvania, but now that the economy is front and center (finally) I sincerely doubt they have one there anymore. No one will report this, but I do suspect Joe Biden has helped Obama shore up a considerable number of votes in PA.

And Minnesota didn't even fall for Reagan, you guys. They aren't going to fall for McCain-Palin.

A few recent polls show Missouri is closer than I would have thought. You never know. I'm sure the Governor's race there-- Democrat Jay Nixon has a good lead-- helps Obama with a few (needed) points.

This map has Obama with 264 EVs and McCain with 163 EVs. Who would you rather be at this stage?

(Note: you can click on the individual states to see how many electoral votes each has, or to change the state color to view different scenerios).

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