Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Assumption High

John McCain made a very big assumption in his campaign for President, one that seems to be at the core of his consistent failure to connect with voters: he assumed everyone knew who he was.

Just because you've been around forever doesn't mean people know you. I still don't have any idea why McCain wants to be President. Saying you put Country First is not a platform for anything. It's actually uninformative and silly. Most Americans expect their President to put Country First. It's almost as if McCain's motto was "America Forever" or something.

So... because John McCain has not offered up any original ideas nor an overarching vision for America and because he no longer looks like any shade of maverick but rather just plain shady, the guy has a huge task ahead of him tonight.

1 comment:

Greg said...

"Country First"? What does that even mean? And who does include? If we take Palin/McCain on their jointly constructed words, does this mean Country First, city folk second? Campaigning has to be more than waiving an american flag and calling your fellow citizens unpatriotic, socialist sympathesizers.