Friday, September 12, 2008

More Surrogates Like This Please

Koch's "oh, please" is great.

Unlike Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton could take the heat. And it's obvious Hillary didn't need the media to protect her the way Palin does.

And speaking of surrogates-- I was home last evening battling the flu (fun) and thus unable to change the channel when MSNBC's "Service" forum came on. Can someone explain to me why, after the forum, not one McCain or Obama surrogate was invited on to discuss the peformances? I was left to watch Andrea Mitchell twitch around like a muppet proclaiming what a hero McCain was, and endure Chris Matthews and David Gregory talk back-and-forth about basically nothing.

Watch Matthews at the 1 minute mark. He rambles for one minute (what is he talking about, seriously?) and then blames Obama for the tone of the campaign. If only Obama had agreed to weekly debates, Matthews asserts, there would be no spitballs. I almost threw up at the bile. And it wasn't because of the flu.

MSNBC just plain sucks now. This isn't commentary, it's pure ego-centric crap. Enough.

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