I read this somewhere online today and totally agree-- which country is McCain putting first with his little "Country First" slogan? McCain's economic policies put Mexico, India and Canada first. McCain's foreign policy, with endless war, surely puts our troops and their families, as well as our economy and international reputation, dead last.
Obama should create signs that say "America First" and start weaving that theme through his speeches, just to get under McCain's skin. I don't think Obama's lobbying ad today is enough. He needs to co-opt some McCain themes.
God Love Him (update 2:37 pst): Obama
today to the Florida machinists: "So when American workers hear John McCain talking about putting country first, it’s fair to ask – which country?"
Now we can expect several prominent Republicans to be shocked--shocked!--at the "
disrespectful" nature of these remarks. And to someone who is
obviously a famous war hero*!!
*(deeply-troubled Track was
never deploying on 9-11. Another "narrative" lie. But hey... it sounds cool!)
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