Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Town (Hall)

Obama: Calm, steady, focused on question and questioner. Push economic policy hard. Will mention his little girls. Push that he is in touch. References to swing states like Virginia, Ohio, Florida. Mention his work as a state senator. Drinking Game Terms: Malia and Sasha, Chicago, Bring People Together, Responsible. Drink Twice Bonus Term: Hillary Clinton.

McCain: Attempt to highlight folksy side. Will mention Palin several times. Will push old school idea that Democrats want to raise taxes. Push Iraq surge. Will pathetically blame Obama for the negativity from McCain's campaign, due to Obama's rejection of weekly town halls early in campaign. Drinking Game Terms: My friends, Make them famous, Workforce, Maverick. Drink Twice Bonus Term: Joe Lieberman.

Open Issues: Who will move around the most? Will McCain make overt attempts to look at Obama? Will either move into the others' designated area, like Bush consistently did to Gore in 2000? Will Brokaw offer any follow-ups? Will any one voter/questioner become the star of the night? Will any questions involve Gramm/Keating/Ayers/Wright? How many parents of soldiers in Iraq will get to ask questions? How many bad jokes will McCain attempt to tell?

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